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Topics - Nigel B



am I diagnosing my problem correctly?

I am happily programming and reprogramming p89lpc932's on the MCB900 with Flashmagic while using the chip's RC oscillator.

But when I worked up an application using a low-power 32.778 crystal and set the flash options accordingly, I found I could program the chip once, but not reprogram with later versions of my program.  Flashmagic says it can't connect at the baud rate.

I went through a few chips before I thought:

 Duh!  If each chip is set to use a low frequency clock source, it can't use its own UART properly, so the MCB900 board can't communicate with it on future occasions. I tried reducing the baud rate to 2400, 300 and finally 1 baud! No luck.

Is this really what's happening or is there something I don't understand?

Is there a way round it so as to be able to reprogram chips with 32khz clocks?

I have burned up so many P89LPC 932 I need a new stock.
I got excellent service from Quarndon Elecrtronics once before, but it took them weeks to supply me. Anyone know where I can get a couple of dozen fast?

