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Messages - preraksheth

After putting the flash magic in Debug mode and communication in Half Duplex mode, it worked for some time.
But then again, it started failing - now with an error "failed to send data to device" after successfully erasing sectors
This is now getting weird!
Please, please help
Again, I am able to communicate thru terminal and the protocol seems to be ok in terminal

I am back with the problem. Originally, my problem was solved by putting the flash magic in debug mode and programming in debug mode.
Unfortunately, now even that does not work.
I can say that the serial communication line is working fine, as the previously loaded program does communicate with the PC properly (although sometimes with glitches).
I wonder what I could do next. I don't have logic analyzer to provide you with the hard baud rate info.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much Andy.

After keeping the flash magic in "Half Duplex" mode and disabling any default behavior for DTS/DTR/RTS etc, I am able to read device signature. (Don't know why)
But it still could not program (failed to send data).
Then I tried to put in debug mode, and suddenly it could program!
This has repeated multiple times - 70% times, it is able to program in debug mode. Never outside debug mode.
But now, it did not create a debug file :-(
I am totally zapped at what's going on. Will be great if you could shade some light based on above. Meanwhile I will try to get a debug file
Andy - is the file good enough? Do I provide more info? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I seem to have a peculiar problem with a prototype board that I have made
microcontroller: LPC2138
Flash Magic version: 5.87.2331 (Same problem with older version as well)
Baud rate: 9600
Crystal: 12 MHz
Communication: Serial (no USB conversion)

When I use a terminal (Putty or in built flash magic terminal), I am able to communicate.
I have tried:

Response> Synchronized

But if I try to read device signature, it keeps failing (and so obviously it can not program either)
I have put P0.14 to ground, and reset it before trying this everytime

Apart from this, if I want to program using terminal, what Unlock code do I have to use?
Thanks to all - I am new to the forum, and may have missed if this is already replied - in which case you can just point me to the right link