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Messages - erikm

LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: Problems with P89LPC935
November 16, 2006, 05:05:33 AM
I don't understand anything. Why the device is good the first time and never more
P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / Re: 89V51RD2 ISP Command Unknown
November 08, 2006, 08:54:42 AM
 it was probably anticipated that the new bootloader would be in widespread use fairly quickly. From our experience that is what usually seems to happen

I would be careful with that assumption.  There have been posts from people in farawayistan that purchased 'new' chips that had been made ages ago and the problems they incurred took long to detect simply because nobody assumed they still existed in 'new' chips.


LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: Programming P89LPC935
November 08, 2006, 08:49:12 AM
the fact is that ISP IS slow, live woth it.  If you need speed and volume, use a parallel programmer.  ISP was never intended to be a speed demon.  In industrial environments ISP is not even considered.  The REAL advantage of ISP is 'field upgrades' where speed does not matter (you are only programming one)


is it just possible ....
that with certain security bits set FM will show the sectors erased evrn though they are not?


just a guess

what would happen if FM is still connected?


yes and no

This has been discussed ad nauseam and it seems that some USB to Serial Port converters will let you do it, others will not.

My GUESS is that it will be related to the handling of DTR, CTS, ... or timing, but seek and ye shall find, or mybe, I hope so for you, someone will post "the xxx USB to Serial Port converter works with FM"


the devices are only ALMOST identical.  You WILL have to make a few code changes.

The 6/12 clock mechanism is different and do thus need to be changed.  a .hex fike that set the C type to 6 clock will set the V type to 12 clock


LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: p89lpc922fn
October 02, 2006, 07:21:07 AM
do note thet while 'the article' is about the Rx2 devices, it applies to the LPCs as well


my programmer circuit is ok and works good bevor. i use it over 2 years long now and i have net hed any problem with the programmer and reprogramming the mcu.

two possibilities

1) the most likely
The circuit is from:
site 5 and it works great. ok.

you have substituted something and ended up with "a defective circuit that works"  such is VERY common and to make such show the problem can take something as simple as a change in temperature.  The callic is "My 232 inetrface is "tested and proven" now it does not work and after dragging along it is revealed that it does not work now because the PC was replaced.

2) something in your hardware is broken


P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / Re: Problem with P89V51RB2FN
September 19, 2006, 05:38:17 AM
Could you give any advices to solution this prob?

a guess

You have some protection bit(s) set.

for obvious reasons, if any protection is set a full erase is required.


I had an embedded board for P89V51RD2 (5V) and I 've modified it for P89LV51RD2 (3V)

sou8nds like you now have a 5V RS232 transciever running off 3V that will NOT work,


vector corruption is not FM but the UTTERLY STUPID read of the datasheet showing a RC reset.  a RC reset with a frash based chip WILL fail.


LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: LPC935 automatically goes to ISP
August 30, 2006, 10:12:02 AM
so no_touch is triggered by a uart character (it will become 'boot' in the future but is 'x' at this moment)

That is your problem, the UART often read a garbage character during power up.  Change the request to 4 or more sequential characters and it will work.


LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: LPC935 automatically goes to ISP
August 30, 2006, 06:06:57 AM
it must be yout 'NoTouch trigger' that get activated accidentially.

post the code for the trigger


LPC9xx/LPC9xxx / Re: P89LPC9221 FAQ
August 09, 2006, 07:25:53 AM
and I have built a circuit same with MCB900

99.17% of the time the answer is

EXACTLY SAME?? no component substitutions, no "i have this transistor, I'll just use it" etc
