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Topics - amjad2000in

P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / Please Help : P89V51RD2
October 04, 2009, 02:02:53 AM

I am new with P89V51RD2 microcontroller. Usually I am using the PIC16F877A for general purpose applications. Now I am using a display application and need to have a large Program memory, thats why purchased this chip.

When searched in the net, I came to see in sevaral forums that the P89V51RD2 only needs a serial interface with the PC(using MAX232) for programming using the NXP's FLASH MAGIC utility. But, I tried sevaral times connecting the P89V51RD2 with the PC through the MAX232 but, the software is not detecting it.

I tried the serial communication circuit with a 89C51 after programming and it is working fine in this circuit. But, when I replaced with our P89V51RD2 , there is no response from FLASH MAGIC. Can you please help me?

The pins 1, 4 and 6 are connected together and 7 and 8 are connected together of the DB9 port coming from the MAX232 board. This circuit is ok rite? Usually we do this for serial communications.

Can you please help me by telling the correct method of programming this uc?