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Topics - micronathan

I have been using FM for long but since yesterday I am stuck totally.

Downloaded the latest version 4.66.1635 from the net. MCU runs with 11.0952 MHz crystal is 6-clk mode.

I have a working ( earlier ) PCB with the 89V51RD2 on it. When I connect and try to read the device signature now , I can see the "Attempting to connect " message and then after the time-out, the pop up about the failure to connect, try lower baud rate etc. Normally when I want to read the Device, I used to get the "Reset Device now" pop-up. Now I don't get it - why ?

I am just using the TXD,RXD,GND pins of the COM 1 port of the PC.

1. The MAX232 is healthy.
2. The Looop Back check on the PC is fine.
3. With the PC connected to the MCU board I measure -9.1V between pin 3 and 5 of the 9-pin D Sub.

Does it mean my 89V51RD2 has its bootcode corrupted or something ?

Kindly help.

