What is the recommended configuration to program and run a 89LPC932 Rev G. with the MCB900 (no rev). Is it better to use pulses on the Reset pin or Break mode? Do you have to modify the board as per Keil instructions? If so for which mode? What is the jumper settings for running the firmware? What is the jumper setting for programming? Can you run the firmware while the MCB900 is connected to the COM port? The schematic on Keil's website are they for MCB900 No Rev or Rev 2? Do you have the No Rev schematics and e-mail them? What does FlashMagic do to the COM port lines? Can you provide a timing diagram as a function of the DTS/RTS MCB900 option is enabled/disabled?
Keil Instruction for MCB900 No Rev modifications:
MCB900 without Version: for the C-Step devices that need the PROG jumper and FlashMagic for Keil MCB900 which is supplied on the CD together with the board.
For programming F-Step devices modify the board as follows:
Disconnect IC3 - pin 8.
Connect IC3 - pin 8 via a resistor (47K) to IC2 pin 14.
Now insert the jumper into position RESET for programming and use Flash Magic version 1.71 or later (http://www.esacademy.com/software/flashmagic). In FlashMagic, enabled Use DTR and RTS to enter ISP mode under Options -> Advanced Options -> Hardware Config
You will need to make the modifications if you wish to use pulse entry. Which is better for you depends on if you have a limited per unit cost for your project. In general, pulse entry is more reliable because it doesn't require working code to be downloaded.
A lot of your questions are answered in two Flash Magic application notes, available towards the bottom of the Flash Magic web page. See:
"ISP Entry using COM Port Handshaking Signals" for the DTR, RTS, etc. timing diagrams.
"Using Flash Magic with the LPC932" for jumper settings, etc.
There is also a link on the Flash Magic web page in the pink box for the MCB900 schematic diagram. As to which version it shows, you will need to check with Keil. It probably shows the latest version of the board.