I am using C++ Builder XE6. I have linked with the Borland C++ 5 DLLs. However, when I run the following code, fm_connect returns "Device does not support operation. Only COM connections supported."
I must be missing something obvious? Thank you in advance for any help - James
#include "flashmagicarmcortex.h"
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
fm_results *presults;
presults = fm_version();
fm_connectoptions_com options;
options.osc = 12.000;
sprintf_s(options.comportname, FM_MAXCOMPORTNAMELEN, "COM%d", 5);
options.baudrate = 115200;
options.selecteddevice = FM_LPC1758;
options.highspeed = 0; //1;
options.clocks = 0;
options.halfduplex = 0;
options.hwconfig = FM_HWBOOTEXEC;
options.hwt1 = 200;
options.hwt2 = 200;
options.i2caddr = 0;
options.maxbaudrate = 115200;
options.usinginterface = 0;
options.interfacetype = FM_INTERFACETYPE_NONE;
options.flashbank = 0;
options.protocoloptions = FM_PROTOCOLCOM_AUTOLF;
options.postopendelay = 0;
options.bootloaderpath[0] = NULL;
presults = fm_connect(&options, sizeof(options));
if (presults->result != FM_OK)
I don't know which version you are using, however:
Use the Microsoft DLLs
Use implib to generate Borland-compatible lib files from the Microsoft DLLs
Make sure the header files and the DLLs come from the same version.
Please post back if that does not help.
Thank You Andy - That works fine