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Messages - nvsandeep


1). Make sure that Hyperterminal is communicating properly with Internal Oscillator before programming in flash magic GUI.

2). If autobaud error occurs while downloading the hex code, try to communicate with  terminal in flash magic (Tools->Terminal)   if this communication established fine as same Hyperterminal then close (while closing if flash magic doesn't respond properly then kill that process in windows task manager) and reopen flash magic, now hex code can be downloaded easily with Flash magic GUI without external crystal.

Hi Andy

Now I am able to download the code with Flash Magic GUI also after Flash magic Terminal communication established fine.

Thank you.
Hi Andy

The error i got is Failed to autobaud.

Now I am able to program using ISP now what i did is opened Terminal in flashmagic from TOOLS>Terminal . this connection established fine after this I tried downloading the code , code downloaded fine.

Thanks for your valuable reply.
Hi Andy
I am able to connect to Hyperterminal with internal crystal when the code is downloaded via JTAG or flash magic with external crystal( crystal is removed after downloading the code) . I am not able to download a code without external crystal.

Thanks in Advance.
I am Sandeep we are using COrtex M0 , LPC1111 controller in this controller we have an internal crystal with this internal we can download
the code from LPC XPRESSO but we need to download the code using flash magic latest version in this we are not able to download the hex code without external crystal  , we are able to download a code with external crystal ,but we need to do for downloading the hex code without external crystal please help us.

Thanks in advance