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Messages - FMUser


Unfortunately, this is a custom app. Additionally, this problem takes alot of time to reproduce as failures of the download are intermittant.

I can tell you that the .dll being used is V 2.16.1837

I can provide a sniffer snapshot of the failure....

For ISP operation during a data frame send/echo sequence, if a valid data frame is sent from FM to the device and the device does NOT return the proper data frame back in its echo, what is the expected outcome?

I am seeing a bad data frame returned from the device, but the transfer operation continues until the checksum sequence fails. Is there any way to generate the failure on a bad data frame and have FM retry at that point. If you are transferring a large data frame its takes awhile until it fails.

I guess I dont understand the purpose of the data frame echo from the device to FM if it is not even checked for the expected number of bytes. What is the point of the device returning the echoed data then?

This application is custom and uses the FM .dll.

General Discussion / Re: Intel Hex File
June 21, 2010, 12:10:04 PM

Sorry it took so long, but Im only the middleman.

Response to your query:

flashmagicarm.dll:  1.41.267

Clearly this need to be upgraded and then retried.

General Discussion / Re: Intel Hex File
June 18, 2010, 12:47:13 PM

I requested the parameters and actual call from the person coding the app:

The command is fm_program.   Imported into .NET it is:

General Discussion / Re: Intel Hex File
June 18, 2010, 12:34:17 PM

Custom application.

.dll attached
General Discussion / Re: Intel Hex File
June 18, 2010, 12:02:27 PM

This is not the behavior I am seeing. Using the file flashmagicarm.dll all sectors were first erased. Then programming started at offset 0!

After 1 kB of data flashed, I power cycled the board. The 2103 was DEAD (see attached file -Coorruption.hex) The original hex file is contiguous from 0x0000 - 0x65C0 (end of hex file posted below).


I had to jumper P0.14 to get into ISP bootloader to pull this memory from the chip.

General Discussion / Intel Hex File
June 18, 2010, 08:56:32 AM

Does Flash Magic (and the .dll) follow the Intel hex file line by line or does it search for the lowest address to start its load (I want to modify the Intex hex file to burn sector 0 last by locating sector 0 hex file lines last)?