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Messages - pirrien

Finally, i tried the lpc1700 ethernet bootloader and it works.
I found a difference in the UDP frame sent by the lpc1768 MCU on my board.
It appears that the length field of the IP header was wrong.
After the correcting of this point, the read and the verify commands work.

Thanks for you support.
Best Regards,
I can't try the official lpc1700 ethernet bootloader because i have not the MCB1700 board.
The LPC1768 MCU is implemented on one of our board.
But, I tried the official LPC2300 ethernet bootloader and the problem is the same with FM.
The ISP functions are the same for lpc1700 and LPC2300 ethernet bootloader.
The read and verifiy command do not work.

In a preceding mail, i have said that the read security ( R 764 4 ) command works.
To do this, the param_check function must be changed to ensure the good work of the read security command.

So for me, those bootloader are not completely tested with FM.

So, i wait after your investigation on FM.

I have made the different operation that you suggested.
But, the device is programmed with a small test hex file containing 16 bytes and not 10 bytes( see attach files ).
The display memory and the verify commands failed too( see the attach files ).

Best regards,
For me, there is a problem when FM checked the check-sum.

To be more precise, the read security ( R 764 4 ) command works.
FM sends the OK command after the checking of the checksum.
So I do not understand why the verify command failed.
The checksum sent to FM is computed in the same way than the read security command.

And normally, FM must send the RESEND command if the checksum does not match and not the abort command 0x1B as the
lpc17xx manual says for the read command :

"The data stream is followed by the command success return code. The check-sum is sent
after transmitting 20 UU-encoded lines. The checksum is generated by adding raw data
(before UU-encoding) bytes and is reset after transmitting 20 UU-encoded lines. The
length of any UU-encoded line should not exceed 61 characters (bytes) i.e. it can hold
45 data bytes. When the data fits in less than 20 UU-encoded lines then the check-sum is
of actual number of bytes sent. The host should compare it with the checksum of the
received bytes. If the check-sum matches then the host should respond with
"OK<CR><LF>" to continue further transmission. If the check-sum does not match then
the host should respond with "RESEND<CR><LF>". In response the ISP command
handler sends the data again."

Hello Andy,

Here the debug file made with FM in debug mode.

Best regards,
Philippe Irrien
i have implemented a ethernet bootloader for the lpc1768 based on the lpc2300 ethernet bootloader.

To ensure that the code is correctly downloaded, i use the verify command of FM.
But this command returns this message : "Error verifying.There is a difference in the hex file value and the stored value( address 0x00002000)".

When i checked with wireshark what hapens :
     - FM sends the read command : R 8192 512<CR><LF>
     - After FM received the checksum of the 512 bytes from the lpc1768 MCU, FM sends the value 0x1B.

If i understand what is writing in the user lpc17xx user manual, normaly FM sends "OK<CR><LF>"  if the check-sum matches to continue further transmission otherwise "RESEND<CR><LF>".

But is is not the case. Why FM sends the value 0x1B instead of  "OK<CR><LF>" or "RESEND<CR><LF>" response?

Best regards,
Philippe Irrien