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Messages - phonoplug

P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / P89CV51 support
September 12, 2012, 04:49:37 AM
Does Flash Magic support the P89CV51 family?

They are not specifically listed in the website as being supported devices or mentioned at all in the pdf manual with the version I currently have installed (admittedly Version 5.90, but nothing in the release notes for newer versions mention this family).

I realise this family is now obsolete but the client has stock of them and is not keen to have to redesign the board for the 5th time in 8 years because of Philips/NXP changing processors. Definite lesson learnt not to use Philips/NXP in the future!
P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / Re: FlashMagic Hanging
September 15, 2011, 03:59:46 PM
Ok well here's something I just found out.

I rebooted this (same) PC into XP and ran FM from the same settings file, and the boards programmed fine.

Is there some known issues with Win7 and Flash Magic??
P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / FlashMagic Hanging
September 15, 2011, 03:17:37 PM

I seem to have had this problem for ages bt now its really got to me. I'm trying to program a P89V51RD2 in circuit and Flash magic just hangs, well sort of. It just sits there 'Attempting to connect'. If I click 'cancel' it just sits there 'Cancelling. Please wait'. Only way out is to close the program.

I have been opening FM by double clicking on a settings file I have created many years ago for that chip. I will attach it if I can. I get exactly the same behaviour if no board is connected. Ok, so that may be a clue in itself, but what I'm really asking, is why does FM not timeout or something? Why does it get stuck in the 'Cancelling. Please wait' mode?

I was using version 5.36. Just changed to version 5.90 but behaviour is exactly the same.

Is it because I'm opening via a settings file that is now incompatable with the latest version of Flash Magic?

Rather frustratedly...

Ah, should have noted, this happens in version 3.20. Following an upgrade to 3.42 I can confirm it also happens in this version. Have had to go back to version 3.20 anyway. aaaah.  :-\
Just upgraded to version 3.42. I use the 'Use DTR to control RST' advanced option, and the target board runs on a 16.384MHz crystal. Before I upgraded I was using 3.20 which worked fine.

I have found in the new version a problem with entering ISP mode - there is a delay between release of the RST line and the 'U' character being sent. I used to have T1=100mS and T2=50mS and this worked fine (and as expected) with version 3.20. The time between release of RST and the begining of 'U' appearing was about 70mS. However, with version 3.42 this time, with the same settings of T1 and T2 is around 375mS, meaning the micro has gone off into normal boot mode by then. Setting T2 even to 0 still gives too longer a delay to catch the micro.

Fortunately I have the installer for version 3.20 still so going back to that works fine, but theres ovbiously something wrong with 3.42!
Well I think its a bug - the first time I go to program the chip in a session, I have a message saying that security bits have been set and to confirm that I wanted this. BUT, I didnt set any! After OK'ing that I get the message about clocks bits which is correct as that box is ticked. Programming a second chip in the session does not bring up the security bits message.

I normally load FM by double clicking on a .fms settings file, and the chips are always programmed with the clocks bit set and the security bit NOT set.

Doesn't stop me programming of course, but thought I would mention it...
P89V51Rx2/P89LV51Rx2 / Flash Magic V3.2 and P89V51
July 19, 2006, 03:37:07 AM
Just downloaded FM version 3.20 and seen all the improvements/ fixes for P89V51...  Thanks Andy I'm a very happy chappy now!

Still requires the addition of a NAND gate in the reset connections to the uP when compared to the P89C51 though, but thats kind of specific to our circuits.

This is the 4th time Philips have obsoleted a micro in this product of ours in 5 years - only 1 other part (out of over 300) has become obsolete, and only once, not 4 times! I will certainly think twice about designing in philips micros in the future. Their website still claims the P89C51 to be in full production:

...Thanks guys.... if you cant even update your own website with critical information what hope does the rest of the world have with using your products?!!

Anyway, thanks Andy... if only Philips were as effective and efficient as you!

Aaaah right that makes more sense now. I remembered that somewhere I read the clocks bit could not be 'unset', but not checking the option of course raises questions as to whether it will program properly!

So I know what to do at the moment, thanks. :yah:
I was using 3.02, and today I have updated to 3.12 but it has not made a difference :puzzled:
Hmmm, perhaps this is a bug in Flash Magic...?

Reading back the clocks setting using Menu --> ISP --> Read Clocks shows that the chip is actually in 6 clock mode. Philips datasheet says 12 clock mode is the default so it must have programmed the bit, yet it still says there is an error. I confirmed that the chip is in 6 clock mode by examining its behaviour with our code and its running correctly so I am thinking there is a bug in Flash Magic that beings up the Operation Failed error message??

Now having problems programming the clocks bit in the 89V51RD2. Everything seems to program ok (although either the erase is extremely quick or it doesnt happen though the erase box is checked), but at the end I get the message "Operation Failed. (programming clocks bit)"

I understand that the clocks bit cannot be erased through Flash Magic, which is fine, I just want it to run at double clock mode but it seems not to want to program. Any ideas why this bit only could be failing, when the rest of the programming seems to verify fine?
Aaaha, sounded like that hack would be just the job, but... it no longer works! using a negative oscillator frequency gives:

ERROR: Invalid parameters for DEVICE directive: DEVICE(89C51RD2xx,-1)

I see from the other thread Andy says 'using DTR and RTS are still on the to-do list' so I can stay in hope that its not too far down the list :thumbsup:
Thanks Jan, I have been looking at using the command line version, however....

Is the 89V51 supported in the command line version? As far as I can tell it doesnt seem to be.

Andrew - is this correct? Are there any plans to support it in command line version?
"Assuming the DTR/RTS options in Flash Magic are either disabled or not visible..."

Have I missed something here? I cant find any DTR/RTS options when set to 'V51RD2. The Hardware config page under advanced options page is blank, but this is where that stuff is for the 'C51RD2.

Just wondering because these lines were used for programming the C51, whether they could do a similar job when programming the V51? For the C51 they could be turned off so I guess that could also be done for the V51?

Have just tried the P89V51RD2 on an existing design that uses the 'C51RD2 chip.

Previously the 'C51 was programmed using Flash Magic and the DTR / RTS lines to trigger ISP entry. However, now programming the 'V51, I find that the DTR line holds the processor permanently in reset so it cannot enter ISP mode.

When I cut the track on the application PCB that connects DTR to the watchdog trip input to reset the processor all I have to do is just plug in the power once I 'START' Flash Magic, and it all runs fine. Unfortunately this means a new board issue for production though.

Question is this - is there any reason why Flash Magic has to hold the DTR in the state that on the 'C51 would be permanently resetting the processor? Sureley I am not the only one being forced to change from C51 to V51 that would be very grateful for a bit of compatability here? Perhaps implement the same use of DTR and RTS for the V51 as was the case for the C51?

Any comments from those at ESA would be much appreciated!

Post Edited (06-07-06 09:12)