The strange thing is that after reset with P0.14 grounded, P0.0/TX stays low. I tried to pull it up to 3v3 with a 1k resistor, but got 1.1v, so the port must be really pulling down. Shouldn´t it be at 3v3 and only come down when sending data?
3v3 power source is ok.
I followed the Keil MCB2140 schematics, but did not copy it exactly. I did the circuit described in my first mail, but there are some modifications, like pull-up / pull-down resistors on JTAG port and an LM311 comparator to convert P0.0/TX from 3v3 to 5v and make MAX232 happier.
No change in results so far...
MAX232 level conversion is fine - instead of connecting RX and TX to LPC, I made a loopback:
MAX232 converts RS232 levels to 5V (RX)
Multiturn pot converts 5v to 3v3 (RX)
RX connected to TX
LM311 converts 3v3 back to 5V (TX)
MAX232 converts 5V to RS232 levels (TX)
I type on hyperterminal, get echo. Saw wavefroms on scope, RX signal was taking 200nS to go from high to low - it would take more than 2mbits/sec to make a differece.
Now that the company I work has bought a 4 trace Tektronics scope with USB, I´ll be able to look at RX, TX, RESET and P0.14.
Thanks for the reply, I´ll post results and circuit used this week, hopefully.
3v3 power source is ok.
I followed the Keil MCB2140 schematics, but did not copy it exactly. I did the circuit described in my first mail, but there are some modifications, like pull-up / pull-down resistors on JTAG port and an LM311 comparator to convert P0.0/TX from 3v3 to 5v and make MAX232 happier.
No change in results so far...
MAX232 level conversion is fine - instead of connecting RX and TX to LPC, I made a loopback:
MAX232 converts RS232 levels to 5V (RX)
Multiturn pot converts 5v to 3v3 (RX)
RX connected to TX
LM311 converts 3v3 back to 5V (TX)
MAX232 converts 5V to RS232 levels (TX)
I type on hyperterminal, get echo. Saw wavefroms on scope, RX signal was taking 200nS to go from high to low - it would take more than 2mbits/sec to make a differece.
Now that the company I work has bought a 4 trace Tektronics scope with USB, I´ll be able to look at RX, TX, RESET and P0.14.
Thanks for the reply, I´ll post results and circuit used this week, hopefully.