Started by raf, August 24, 2004, 03:49:52 PM

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Which "things" I must do to program this uC?
In data sheet is:

-P2.7 HIGH
-P2.6 HIGH
-VPP +5V
-ALE not connected
-VCC +5V
-TxD,RxD correct conected through MAX232
-RST holding HIGH

Is this all pins to pragram my uC? What is the "lock bits". I must set the "lock bits" durning programming?

Andy Ayre

Please don't post the same question to more than one thread.

It is:

/PSEN low
P2.7 high
P2.6 high
/EA at +5V
ALE high or not connected

all at the falling edge of reset.

If you hold reset high then you are keeping the device reset and the bootloader cannot execute. Coming out of reset the device looks to see if it should enter ISP mode or not.

Other pins:
VCC to power supply
GND to ground
XTAL1, XTAL2 to crystal with stabilization caps
TxD and RxD to the PC via a MAX232 or similar

The lock bits are the security bits. You program those once you are finished developing and you don't want anyone to read your code back out.

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


Ok thanks, but in data sheet is "PSEN low" not "/PSEN low"? It seems that I must put "1" on this pin?

Andy Ayre

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com