Writing an OEM software similar to flash magic!!!

Started by reza_elc87, June 20, 2015, 11:08:40 PM

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Dear friends, Hello.

I am a software developer of ARM-LPC MCUs and I have written many C-based applications for embedded systems. In my new project I need to come out of C a little and start developing a custom application with C# (or any other language) that does a part of Flash Magic job.

I need to read a hex file and put it in the flash memory of an LPC1768 microcontroller. I mean I need a custom program to be able to "flash program" the LPC1768 using ISP.

I would really appreciate if you helped me figure out where to start.
With warm regards

Andy Ayre

Why not buy the Flash Magic C# assemblies from us and avoid that part of your development work? They are part of the Flash Magic Production System .NET:


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