LPC1857 Flash bank select

Started by salimnawaz, September 04, 2013, 12:40:36 AM

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I am about start working programming lpc1857 but a doubt has come up.... when i look at flash magic tool for programming internal memory using ISP i find that i have to select either flash bank 0 or flash bank 1. does it means that my code cannot be larger than 512kB, since each bank is of size 512 kB..????
if suppose my code size is greater than 512kB how do i program internal flash???/

Thanks and Regards

Andy Ayre

At this time you will have to manually split your hex file into two and program each flash bank separately.

Are the records in the hex file sorted into order (i.e. lowest address first)?

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


Thanks for the quick reply Andy,

yes the records are sorted into "lower address first" order...
suppose i am able to split the hex file in 2 and load in each flash bank and activate the flash bank where my programs starts(First half file) then would the processor know that it needs to start executing from another bank or do we have to manually activate the second bank??????

Thanks and Regards

Andy Ayre

I'm not sure. The user manual for the device from NXP should be able to tell you if you need to switch flash banks.

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com