Silent Instal FlashMagicProdSys

Started by da_migel, January 22, 2018, 01:53:25 AM

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i need to install Flash Magic Production System in silent mode. I already found the command line switches and the official documentation / help of command line arguments.

However, i get the following Dialog:
'The activation code is not valid for this product. Please contact the vendor where you purchased this product'

If i install the setup manually and enter my activation code everything works fine. I already tried to get that information i the setup-config file with /SAVEINF= and /LOADINF=

Is there a way passing the registration code to the installer?

Thanks for help,

Andy Ayre

If you install in silent mode how will the end user accept the license agreement?
Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


Hello Andy,

with some installers u can either tell them where a license file is located, save it in a config-file where other information are stored aswell or using a switch like --acceptlicense

However, i am pretty sure the license agreement can be disabled with a switch already (/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES should do it imo)

Andy Ayre

The point isn't to disable or hide the license agreement, it is to make the user accept it.
Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com