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Messages - Tiziano

...I hope that parallel programming will solve the problem.

I have a Needham EMP10 programmer and 2 good questions about:
1) Is it possible to program an 89CV51RC with EMP10 parallel programmer that not supports 89CV51RC but 87C51RC microcontrollers?   On the 89CV51 datasheet is written "the flash may be programmed or erased using the parallel method by using a commercially available EPROM programmer which supports this device"
2) If the answer is YES then ...I have the programmer but not the TQFP44 adapter! Needham is passed away and I never found informations to wiring an adapter from TQFP44 to DIP40!

Thank you Jan.
I probably have the same problem of ALE_FM, as you say!
I start to send the photo of the component, please let me know what you think about.
Thank you
Have a nice day
I'm a longtime FlashMagic user and now I have no answers about a trouble that happens!
The problem is in P89CV51RC2 parts because are not programmable in ISP mode and does not respond even to blank check.  >:(
The wiring is OK (I'm using a burn-in socket to easy changing of different microprocessors) and I have no problem with other parts (i.e. P89CV51RD2).
With the signal analyzer I can see the "U" sent by PC but there are no answer from the part.  I tried to program more parts of same stock but none is programmable.
I don't know if the part is switching or not in ISP or if the problem is elsewhere.    Could be maybe a problem on bootloader?
Any ideas?  May you suggest an action?
Thank you