Using DRT en RTS to enter ISP

Started by elleP, April 20, 2005, 02:36:28 AM

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Hello there,
I'm assisting in the developement of a LPC92x experimentation board, to be used by students. It seems practical to use DTR and RTS to enter ISP, and i've got the schematics for the keil-variant.
Flashmagic also supports a ceibo MP-900 mode, but i'm unable to find any information what this mode does, and how it should be connected.
I would like to have that info, so i can make a choice on what to implement.
The ceibo site does not give any information about this product.

Andy Ayre

The Ceibo hardware is identical to the MCB900. The Ceibo entry was added as a convenience for users of that product.

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