Show memory dialog fails on LPC4337

Started by relentless, September 07, 2015, 07:50:13 AM

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Hi !

Tried your tool with LPC4337 and starter board from starterkit. Added several hardware modifications for the board, as UART0 pins are partially used with Ethernet, so needed to move boot to UART3. FlashMagic detects the controller, correctly reads signature, and shows something with programming. But several errors happen:
1. If requested to erase pages only used by hex file, reports "Invalid value or command sent" message and fails. So only looks like working with "Erase All Flash" option
2. "Display memory" does not work. After showing the dialog, first, it replaces "?" symbols with some data, but in 1-2 seconds either hangs up, or report AV in RICHED20.dll

Finally, still cannot make the program blinking LED, so unsure if programmed data is ok.

Andy Ayre

First please make sure you are using the latest version.

Next please generate two debug file. The first during erase and the second during display memory until the crash. Post them here. Instructions:

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


Version is 9.31.3960 (yesterday updated from 9.30, but problem described is the same in 9.31)

Please see debug file attached.
First, I run programming with "Erase all flash" - works ok. Then programming with "erase paged used by flash" - got the error message as before.
And finally I opened "show memory" dialog - it did not reported error or AV, but shows some strange content


Device itself programming is working - there's some problem with LPCXpresso production, as after switching to IAR sample project runs ok, while LPCXpresso seems to output some bad hex file.

Andy Ayre

Unfortunately the file only shows the "erase all flash" operation, so it doesn't tell me much.

What do you mean by "bad" hex file? In what way specifically?

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


I felt Andy is in ourcase everywhere. So kind of you. Each post is very useful and convenient. Thanks for sharing casesam.