89C51RD2 is not ready to enter in ISP

Started by ketan, January 18, 2004, 03:56:19 AM

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I not remember,but i think it is a full device erase.
but wait a second, as I told you, the board is still executing the code, and I mean it is still running the code that I programmed inside before I erase it.
or the board is running the new code???....I'm not sure,because I just make a small change to the code...

as I remember the interrupted occur in the erasing process...if it is erased the flash...then how come it only erase the RootROM and my code is still in it. If the interrupted occur when it finish erase the flash and have write my new code in...then how come it can write my new code in with out the BootROM at the end...hmm....

what is the function of start BootROM in the Flash Magic, can it do the job.

Andy Ayre

I don't know why it still has code it in. It could have been that the erase was just starting and the first locations to be erased are the boot vector and status byte.

You can build into your application the ability to receive a command on the UART and then use IAP to place the device into ISP mode. The Start BootROM feature allows you to send those commands that your application expects. It's all described in the manual. :)

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com


now I not able to use ISP then how i going to program the UART command in it ???....
what is mean by IAP. what is the diffence between IAP and ISP....is they same as in the hardware part or software part.

I just read about the Start BootROM, in the manual...it say that Start BootROM need the chip running the serial command to watch the UART from Flash Magic in it before to get thing work. but my the code in the chip now don't have the function:(


Is that a must to have the BootROM in the flash to do ISP.
can I know is that all serial port programming for P89C51 are using ISP method any need BootROM. without the BootROM no software can do serial programming ????


Problem sloved, I give it a higher voltage to force the P89C51RD+ to enter ISP mode, bout 12.3v so I able to connect it with Flash Magic to erase the chip again.
anyway, thanks Andrew Ayre for helping me.

Andy Ayre

I'm glad you found the solution. Note that newer Philips ISP programmable devices don't require a 12V programming voltage, 5V is used instead.

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com



can u send me the errata datasheet of 89c51rd2 .
can any body send the hardware configuration they r using for the ISP
of 89c51rd2bn.?


can u send me the errata datasheet of 89c51rd2 .
Maybe micro will, otherwise find it at the philips website, why do you need som,eone else to find it for you

can any body send the hardware configuration they r using for the ISP
of 89c51rd2bn.?
There is NONE, see AN461 for what you need to do



i tried a lot but i didnt find the errata datasheet .
i think it is not on the philips website.
i have made the circuit given in the AN461 but it does not work.?
when ever i try to erase the flash "unable to connect" message pops up.
can you help me to solve this problem?
i am using 89c51rd2bn at 12 megahertz frequency


 tried a lot but i didnt find the errata datasheet

the link is on the"cover page" for the chip

when ever i try to erase the flash "unable to connect" message pops up.
can you help me to solve this problem?
i am using 89c51rd2bn at 12 megahertz frequency

Does it work with a factory fresh chip ?


Arif Deshmukh

          I have erased P89C51RD2 and P89V51RD2 using programmer. By mistake I have erased entire chip including BOOT LOADER software wich resides in the chip, and it does not come in ISP mode. Please send me the boot loader software for both the chip so I will programe the same, or give me the address of the web site from where I will get boot loader.
           My ID is ---> thecodewarrior@rediffmail.com



i am using the factory fresh chip.
but it does not work.
i really cant find anything wrong in the connection.
the serial port is also working properly when serial port mouse is used.
so  can there be problem with software?i.e. flash magic?


what is the work around for reset given in the errata sheet.?
and what about PSEN pin.
i am using 89c51rd2bn but whenevre tried to connect it give the message that it is unable to connect.try reducing baud rate.
i am not finding the errata datasheet on the net.
so please can you send me it my email id is:varun_rz@rediffmail.com


the link to the errata is on the header page for the chip