How can i find soure code of falshmagic

Started by Canh, June 17, 2004, 08:49:17 PM

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Author ntcanh
Hello sir

I have intended to make a PLC using 89C51RD2 microcontroler but it difficult for me to program in ISP mode as flashmagic.There for,I want to have soure code of flashmagic to study.Where can i find it.Please help me .
Thanh you.

Andy Ayre

Sorry, the executable may be free, but the source code is not. We don't give it out.

Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
support at esacademy dot com

Ray Abram

at the back of the user manual is the ISP protocol... it does not take much to write you own ISP programmer...

I have written one in LabVIEW to enable my companies ATE's to program product on the factory floor...